
Similarly to the Soldier, the Pyro is a jack of all trades that can perform several duties very well, but is usually never the best at any one role it's given. Pyro can clear up clusters of small robots or burn down a giant at point blank range, but is often dependent on the robots being distracted with something else. Outside of doing damage, Pyro can sometimes assist against giants with airblast***, but airblast is more often than not a double-edged sword and should only be used sparingly and in specific scenarios-- more on this later. Finally, Pyro is the most popular choice for busting tanks.

Pyro is a very common choice for newer players, but is actually surprisingly difficult due to its close range and limited survivability on the early waves-- assuming you choose not to equip a particular secondary weapon. If you're not already loaded up on resistances and/or have a pocket Medic, then playing Pyro will revolve around using flank routes and sticking close to corners and other sources of cover in order to minimize the amount of attention coming your way. You can quickly melt robots that you catch off guard, but if their focus turns to you, you can also be quickly destroyed. Pyro's general effectiveness tends to vary from map to map; it does very well on Mannhattan, but struggles on Coaltown.

Common mistakes

  • Spamming airblast.
  • The general attitude surrounding knockback and Pyro in general might have you assume that airblasting is inherently bad-- strictly speaking, it isn't, but you shouldn't indiscriminately shove robots back every five seconds. This is one of the worst possible applications of airblasting and people will rightly get mad at you if you're constantly knocking around robots for no good reason. If people ask you to stop airblasting, please listen. This also applies to the Scorch Shot, which you shouldn't use anyway.

  • WM1ing.
  • As explained earlier, Pyro is a very vulnearable class because it lacks a lot of options for circumventing damage that other classes have. Heavy can take resistances early or stick around a corner by the dispenser, Soldier and Demo can fire from cover or from far away, and Scout can dodge projectiles with double jumps. Doing damage with Pyro requires going almost totally out of cover and getting up close and personal with every robot you want dead, and that makes you an incredibly easy target-- meaning, you will swiftly get killed. There are many ways you can work around this: you can find routes or sources of cover that allow you to flame the robots before they notice you, you can use your Heavy as a tank and stick behind him when he's overwhelmed, or you can... use... a certain weapon other than your primary... that we'll get to later. On later waves, you might be able to afford full resistances in addition to full damage on your primary, in which case you can probably WM1 to your heart's content.

  • Buying afterburn upgrades.
  • Afterburn is almost completely worthless and is not worth upgrading whatsoever.

    The Do's and Don'ts of airblasting

    Generally speaking, it is always faster to outright kill robots instead of delaying them or pushing them back. That said, airblast isn't completely worthless, but it suffers a lot from overuse from less experienced players. Ideally, you should never have to airblast, but it can come in handy in certain tough situations.

    Examples of acceptable uses of airblast:

  • Pushing back robots that are invulnerable due to an ubercharge or Bonk!
  • Pushing back a Giant Medic when there's nobody to deal with it, or if it has already popped its uber
  • Shoving robots off the bridge on Decoy or Mannhattan
  • Shoving robots into a bottomless pit or a wood chipper, IF it is close by
  • Reflecting projectiles, particularly from rapid-fire giant Soldiers
  • Pushing back the bomb carrier when it's about to deploy the bomb into the hatch
  • Examples of unacceptable uses of airblast:

  • Indiscriminately shoving robots around without rhyme or reason
  • Pushing back a giant who's being attacked by your team
  • Pushing robots further into the bomb path
  • Pushing back robots when your Demo has prepared a sticky trap for them to step on
  • Knocking the Sentry Buster around instead of leaving it for the Engineer to deal with
  • Airblasting at all after your teammates ask you to stop
  • Tips for using the Phlogistinator

    The Phlog is generally considered to be the primary of choice for Pyro because its crits allow for easy melting of both robots and tanks. However, there are a couple of tricks to using it that might not be obvious at first.

    The first trick is what's known as a "Phlog cancel", or a "Taunt cancel" or "Mmmph cancel". By activating your Phlog's Mmmph, you're normally forced to do a taunt lasting several seconds during which you are invulnerable and have crits, but you cannot use them as you are taunting. However, this taunt can be interrupted, and if it is then you will have an extra second or two of crits, as well as a second of invulnerability. The most consistent way to cancel the taunt is to land on top of a robot's head or on top of the tank, and taunt while standing on top of it. You should fall off in the middle of the taunt, interrupting it and giving you that extra second of crits. You can get on top of the tank or a robot by using the Detonator or the Thermal Thruster (I personally prefer the latter, but either will work fine).

    The second trick technically applies to all normal flamethrowers, but is most useful with the Phlog. By crouching and pointing your flamethrower at an upward angle, your flames will do more damage. It's hard to explain why this happens, but it just does. If you correctly angle your flamethrower, your critical flames can potentially do up to 78 damage per tick against the tank, or 26 damage per tick without crits. This technique will make tankbusting much faster, but it can also be used against giant robots at point blank range, albeit less consistently.

    Upgrade priority

    You should try to max out your primary's damage as quickly as possible. The flamethrower, without damage upgrades, just doesn't do enough damage to be fully viable-- arguably not even on the first wave. Other than that, the Pyro's upgrades are pretty self-explanatory. Get relevant resistances, Health on Kill, ammo capacity and movement speed on later waves, and you should be good. Just remember that afterburn upgrades (burn time, burn damage) are useless. Airblast force should generally not be invested into.



    Weapon Rating Review
    Phlogistinator S Basically the default option for Pyro in MvM. The on-demand crits are useful for basically everything, from shredding the tank and some giants to mowing down waves of small robots. The lack of airblast really isn't a big deal since you should ideally never have to airblast.
    Backburner A The Backburner makes taking robots by surprise all the more rewarding. In addition, if a giant robot is distracted by another player, you should have free access to their back for a long while, allowing you to rack up massive amounts of crits without any risk, as long as they don't turn around. In some circumstances, you can even spawncamp robots by standing by the ledge from where they drop, allowing you to burn their backs as soon as they hit the ground.
    Dragon's Fury A- The Dragon's Fury does more damage than a flamethrower without crits, but less damage than a flamethrower with crits. Having crits on the Dragon's Fury results in the highest potential DPS for Pyro (amazing for tankbusting!), but this comes at the cost of either your Medic's crit charges or your own crit canteens.
    Flamethrower C The stock flamethrower is the best option for if you're reliant on airblasting, but as previously discussed, airblasting shouldn't be your primary tool. Still, having the cheapest airblast out of all the primaries makes it useful in very specific circumstances, such as fighting a boss robot that shoots a bunch of projectiles.
    Degreaser Bad Combo Pyro isn't viable in any stretch of the imagination. Quick switching speed is irrelevant regardless of what other weapons you have equipped, making the Degreaser just the stock flamethrower with more expensive airblasts.


    Weapon Rating Review
    Gas Passer S+++ In case you've never played MvM before, the Gas Passer is notorious for being able to instantly kill huge groups of small robots at practically no cost and no risk. Sounds great, right? Well, it is. In fact, it's too great, and many will argue that the Gas Passer is so powerful that it trivializes the entire game. If you don't care about challenging yourself, getting good at Pyro, or having fun, then I can't stop you from using the Gas Passer. However, do bear in mind that the Gas Passer's controversial nature will likely result in more experienced players demanding that you stop using it, assuming they don't kick you instantly just for having it. It can be kind of funny to cheese entire missions with it as a newbie, but I imagine that it'll eventually get old and at that point you should probably stop using it altogether and learn to play Pyro properly... unless you just want to grind Mann Up endlessly, in which case you should probably get an intervention for your gambling addiction.
    Detonator A The Detonator allows you to quickly rocket jump onto the top of tanks or robots' heads, or on other sources of high ground. It has a relatively short range, but it's good enough for performing Phlog cancels.
    Thermal Thruster A The Thermal Thruster is essentially the same as the Detonator, just slower and with greater range. It's a matter of preference which of the two you should use, as either can get the job done.
    Flare Gun / Manmelter Bad Doing 90 damage per shot to a single target is just pathetic, even if you decide to waste credits on upgrading its fire rate.
    Scorch Shot Bad The Scorch Shot's minor stun and knockback on hit is just a worse version of the airblast. While you can argue for the utility of airblast to some extent, you cannot justify spamming the Scorch Shot, and all you'll be accomplishing is just annoying your teammates.
    Shotguns Bad No.


    Weapon Rating Review
    Powerjack S You move 15% faster while holding it! That's enough to easily make it the best option for melee.
    Third Degree C You can potentially kill a swarm of uber Medics connected to a giant if you waste a crit canteen, or if you pray to the random crit gods.
    Back Scratcher C Only use this if your team doesn't have a Medic. Getting more health from health packs is a good bonus, but your Medic will be pissed off at you being harder to heal and thus making it harder for him to build up his shield meter.
    Homewrecker / Neon Annihilator C Trying to be a "Pybro" is a waste of time in MvM, but being able to remove sappers is still useful if your Engineer is dead.
    Axtinguisher Bad The only useful feature of the Axtinguisher is the speed boost gained on kill. Being able to take down a single small robot is a redundant feature since a fully upgraded flamethrower will take small robots down just as quickly.
    Any other melee Bad Not in the mood to come up with a funny quip for each of the obviously terrible melee weapons. Just don't use them, alright?